Known by numerous as the “winged serpent angle,” the Arowana is a superb magnificence of the water.
With their exceptional magnificence, intelligent nature, and captivating behaviors, these lovely angles have won over aquarium fans all over the world.
These fish require specific water conditions, a carefully outlined territory, and steady care to survive, in this way, taking great care of them is not a straightforward assignment.
This comprehensive care direct will donate everything you require to grant your fish the finest care, amplifying its life and advancing its well-being.
About Arowana
It’s important to understand the special qualities of these amazing fish before getting into the details of fish care.
Southeast Asia and other Pacific Island nations are home to Arowanas, which belong to the Osteoglossidae family.
They can be identified by their enormous scales, elongated bodies, and unusual bony tongues that help them breathe in air from the atmosphere.
These fish are found in several species, and each has a unique appearance and personality. The silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum), black Arowana (Osteoglossum ferreirai), and Asian Arowana (Scleropages formosus) are the most frequently kept species in the aquarium industry.
For experienced aquarists, arowanas make intriguing pets since they are extremely intelligent and can recognize their owners.
Types of Arowanas
Asian Arowanas

The Asian Arowana (Scleropages formosus) is probably the most well-known and sought-after variety among fish fans.
Originating from the waters of Southeast Asia, this species is highly respected because of its remarkable metallic green hue, extended body, and recognizable bony head covered with elaborate designs.
With a cultural history spanning millions of years and a strong cultural following throughout numerous countries, the Asian arowana is a veritable living fossil.
Silver Arowanas

The largest fish species is the silver arowana (osteoglossum bicirrhosum), which can reach a whopping three and a half feet in length.
It is the largest fish, yet it is also regarded as one of the most gentle.
Only South American arowanas possess the extended dorsal and anal fins that give it its characteristic shiny silver hue. Finally, it’s the most accessible and affordable fish available.
Black Arowanas

The black arowana (Osteoglossum ferreirai), shrouded in mystery and rarity, is a highly sought-after species among fish collectors.
Originating from the isolated areas of the Amazon Basin, these fish can be identified by their distinct scale patterns and dark black coloring.
A healthy black Arowana is a reward for the most committed hobbyists, requiring a large outlay of funds and knowledge to get and care for.
Golden Arowanas

The golden arowana, maybe the most well-known Asian arowana of them all, is one of the most sought-after ornamental fish worldwide.
The golden arowana, which is native to Bukit Merah in Malaysia, is unique in that its shine reaches the sixth row of scales.
Because the shine level has crossed up to their back, golden arowanas with this kind of shine are referred to as “crossbacks.”
The most costly and unique variety of these fish is the rare “golden head full helmet cross back,” which is characterized by both the cross back and entirely golden head coloring.
There are unique varieties of golden fish with a blue hue at the back of their bodies. These fish are referred to as “blue-based crossbacks” and are likewise valued highly.
Aquarium Setup
Providing a suitable environment is important for the well-being and longevity of your fish. These fish require spacious aquariums, typically ranging from 180 to 300 gallons or more, depending on the species and the number of fish you plan to house.
A larger aquarium not only gives ample swimming space but also helps maintain stable water conditions.
Filtration and Water Quality:
These fish are messy eaters and produce a significant amount of waste, so a robust filtration system is important.
Opt for high-quality canister filters or a combination of filters that can handle the bioload effectively. Additionally, consider incorporating a protein skimmer or a sump system to further enhance water quality.
Water parameters:
These fish thrive in water conditions that mimic their natural habitats. Maintain the following water parameters:
- Temperature: 75°F to 84°F (24°C to 29°C), depending on the species
- pH: 6.5 to 7.5
- Hardness: Moderate to hard water (8 to 15 dGH)
Regular water testing and partial water changes (15–25% weekly) are crucial to maintaining optimal water quality and preventing the buildup of harmful compounds that could jeopardize your fish’s health.
Decoration and Plants
As the fish themselves may very well function as decoration, plants, and other decorations are typically not required for fish.
They are so breathtakingly gorgeous. Furthermore, since these fish are so large, they will require as much room as possible, so decorations and plants are not really appropriate.
Furthermore, your fish may get hurt by pointed ornaments.
To discourage your fish from jumping out of the tank, you can always decide to add some floating plants to it. However, keep in mind that plants by themselves won’t stop your fish from jumping out.
A Balanced and Varied Diet
In the wild, arowanas mostly eat fish, prawns, worms, insects, and small amphibians. They are carnivorous fish. Although arowanas can be trained to eat various feeds, they prefer live foods.
Food diversity is essential for preventing nutritional deficiencies. In general, food that is alive has more nutrients than that that is not.
That being said, using live food significantly raises the potential of introducing diseases into the tank; this is particularly true if the live food is kept in freshwater.
Before feeding live food to an Arowana, it should be limited for a few days at the very least to ensure that it is healthy, free of parasites, and gut-loaded.
When it comes to food, the best advice is to “If in doubt, then don’t use it,” since there are always other options.
Choosing Suitable tankmates
Carefully select fish tank mates, keeping in mind that these formidable fish become territorial when they are in pairs or groups.
Watch out for unfriendly or difficult types of fish that could disrupt peaceful cohabitation. Catfish, large and calm cichlids, as well as some other semi-aggressive types able to defend themselves, are perfect companions.
The size match is also crucial, owing to the fact that smaller fish may be considered prey by them. Take your time and get used to it.
Health and Disease Prevention
Just like other fish kept in water bodies, arowanas can easily contract different diseases while at the same time developing health issues.
In order to manage their health effectively, it is important to detect problems in their early stages and offer timely solutions. Below are some of the problems that are commonly experienced by arowanas together with their prevention methods.
- Parasites: Viruses like, for example, ich (white spot malady) or inside or exterior parasites, like nematodes or flukes might be open to Arowanas. Quarantine new fish, maintain optimal water quality, and use medications when necessary.
- Bacterial Infections: Infection with bacteria, for instance, fin rot or body ulcers, may result from poor water quality or injuries. Antibacterial medicines should be used to treat them besides improving water conditions.
- Environmental Stress: fish can feel water quality shifts and changes in the surrounding environment, which leads to emotional tension and weak immunity. Just keep water parameters stable and avoid nuisance.”
- Nutritional Deficiencies: Eating an unbalanced meal might cause an individual to lack key nutrients, which can consequently lead to poor health status including undergrowth and reduced resistance in a person. Therefore, it is crucial to offer a diverse mixture that covers all requisite minerals
Last Words
Those who care for fish will tell you that it can be a very fulfilling commitment if you are willing to give them the environment and attention they deserve after investing your time and effort.
After reading through this definitive article which has all proven techniques, you will have everything necessary to maintain a vibrant and healthier life of the fish type arowana for years of fun and marveling over how amazing these freshwater lives are.
How much filtration does arowana need?
Arowanas, which feed sloppily and are substantial need forceful filtration. There is advice that the best option is to use a filter using both mechanical, biological, and chemical purifiers that is rated to double the volume of your tank in order to keep water quality at its peak.
What kind of substrate is best for Arowana?
Fine gravel or sand is the best substrate that arowanas need. This makes it easy to clean, avoids the accumulation of debris and food particles, and has a naturally occurring bottom suitable for a tank with Arowana, which is quite big.
How Often Should I Feed My Arowana?
Give young arowanas small amounts of food more frequently within a day, and adults feed them every two to three days. Depending on the age, size, and appetite of the arowana, feeding rate should be observed that at any time they neither over nor undereat.