21 Most Popular Species of Tetras (With Picture)

Aquarium hobbyists regularly select tetras because of their vivid colors and socializing behaviors. This detailed article explores the 21 most popular species of tetras, including insightful information about their history, habits, needs for care, and unique features.

Most Popular Species of Tetras

1. Neon-Tetra


The brilliant freshwater fish known as the Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) comes from the blackwater rivers of the Amazon region. 

This species gives aquariums a striking visual appeal because of its dazzling blue stripe that covers its upper body and contrasts brilliantly with a red stripe on its lower body. Neon Tetras loves training and has a calm attitude. 

They do best in well-planted aquariums with soft, slightly acidic water. Because of their small size—roughly 1.5 inches—they work well in communal environments. 

The health and vitality of these recognizable aquarium residents are ensured by regular feedings of high-quality flakes or tiny live foods.

2. Cardinal Tetra


The upper Rio Negro and Orinoco rivers in South America are home to the fascinating freshwater fish known as the Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi). 

Its remarkable coloring, which consists of a bright blue stripe running horizontally over its body set against a vivid red lower body, is what gives it its attraction. These 1.5-inch tetras do well in group settings, where they can display their vibrant colors in a well-organized group. 

To simulate their natural habitat, cardinals prefer well-filtered aquariums that have soft, acidic water and dim light. 

They are great community tank residents because of their calm disposition, which brightens any aquatic environment.

3. Glowlight Tetra


The Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus) is an interesting freshwater fish belonging to the Southwest River in Guyana. It is identified by its brilliant appearance and striking orange stripe that runs the length of its silver body. 

These tetras are perfect for community aquariums because of their maximum size of approximately 1.5 inches. They should be kept in groups to encourage their sociable behavior.

Thriving in well-planted environments with muted illumination, Glowlight Tetras loves a balanced diet of excellent flakes and small live meals. 

They are a favorite among aquarium hobbyist because of their vibrant colors and peaceful disposition, which liven up aquatic environments.

4. Black Skirt Tetra


Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, sometimes known as the Black Skirt Tetra, is a stunning freshwater fish native to South America. Known for its graceful, flowing black fins that resemble skirts, this type of tetra gives aquariums a unique appearance. 

It’s a great option for beginner and expert aquarists alike because of its hardy nature and ability to adapt to different water conditions. 

Community tanks are ideal habitats for Black Skirt Tetras, as they enjoy well-planted areas with hiding places. 

Reaching up to 2 inches in length, they have a calm personality. They are a well-liked and enduring option in the aquarium hobby because of the regular feeding that ensures their health with premium flakes or small live feeds.

5. Rummy-Nose Tetra


The interesting freshwater species known as the Rummy-Nose Tetra (Hemigrammus rhodostomus) is native to the Amazon River Delta. 

It is renowned for having a remarkable look, with a silver body and a beautiful crimson “nose.”. These tetras are a great option for community aquariums because they have strong schooling behavior and do well in groups. 

To preserve their vibrant colors, they need water that is steady in current and well-oxygenated, simulating their natural environment. 

Rummy-nose tetras, which reach a maximum size of about 2 inches, add to the lively and eye-catching appearance of aquariums.

6. Serpae Tetra


Originating in South America, the Serpae tetra is a striking freshwater fish that is valued for its vivid colors and energetic personality. This tetra species gives aquariums a vibrant flair with its brilliant red colors and striking black markings. 

Serpae tetras, which reach a maximum size of 1.5 inches, do best in organized tanks with lots of hiding spots. Since they are social creatures, it is ideal to keep them in school to reduce stress and encourage their innate behavior. 

Although resilient and tough, water quality needs to be maintained. Serpae tetras are a popular choice among aquarists looking for visually appealing and energetic inhabitants for their community tanks because of their remarkable appearance and lively behavior.

7. Ember Tetra


The beautiful freshwater species named Ember Tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae) is native to Brazil and is valued for its intense red color. 

These tetras, which are only 1 inch in size, are ideal for nano aquariums since they brighten up tiny setups. They do best in groups and are quiet, which makes them perfect for community tanks. 

Ember tetras-like areas that are well planted and have soft illumination. Although they may adjust to different types of water, keeping the parameters constant ensures their health. 

Because of their attractiveness and simplicity of maintenance, premium flakes and small live feeds are regularly fed to them, enhancing their colors.

8. Congo Tetra


The beautiful freshwater fish known as the Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus) is native to the Congo River Region in Central Africa.

It is a striking addition to aquariums because of its beautiful blue and yellow colors and stunning layout. These 3-inch tetras do well in large aquariums with lots of swimming room. 

Being schooling fish, Congo tetras are most gregarious when housed in groups. An aquarium that is well-maintained and has soft lighting is advised to preserve its vibrant colors. 

They are a popular choice among aquarists since they are resilient and flexible, adding to the beauty and diversity of community setups.

9. Lemon Tetra


A lovely freshwater fish native to South America, the Lemon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis) is named for its lemon-yellow body and striking black patterns. 

At about 1.5 inches in size, lemon tetras have a calm personality that makes them great matches for community aquariums. 

They are native to the Amazon River area and do best in tanks with steady water conditions and lots of plants

These tetras prefer a diet consisting of small live meals and premium flakes. Group keeping highlights their brilliant colors, highlighting their gregarious nature.

10. Bleeding Heart Tetra


The attractive freshwater species known as the Bleeding Heart Tetra (Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma) is native to the Rio Orinoco region in South America. 

Its unique red marking on its silver body, which resembles a bleeding heart, is what makes it so attractive. Measuring only two inches in length, these tetras have a calm temperament and do well in community aquariums. 

They look best in well-planted locations, such as schools, where their colors are most vibrant. Stable parameters are important for Bleeding Heart Tetras, who can adapt to a variety of water conditions. 

Quality flakes or small live foods can be given regularly to maintain their health and colorful appearance, which makes them a popular choice for aquarium hobbyists.

11. Pristella Tetra


The X-ray Tetra, or Pristella Tetra (Pristella maxillaris), is a remarkable freshwater species that comes from South America. 

This tetra species, which is well-known for displaying its internal organs via transparency, gives aquariums a unique appearance. 

Pristella tetras are calm and little (2 inches), and they do best in groups where they may display their vibrant colors in a well-organized group. 

These tetras can survive in a variety of water conditions and like clean, well-kept aquariums with lots of swimming room.

12. Diamond Tetra


The attractive freshwater species known as the Diamond Tetra (Moenkhausia pittieri) is native to Venezuela and Colombia. 

This elegant tetra species is identifiable by its diamond-shaped markings, which enhance aquariums. Diamond tetras, which are about 2 inches in size and have a calm attitude, do best in tanks that are heavily planted and have steady water conditions. 

It is advisable to keep these South American native tetras in groups to foster their social behaviors. They add to the colorful and varied community tank since they can adapt to different water parameters.

13. Silver Tip Tetra


The unique freshwater species known as the Silver Tip Tetra (Hasemania nana) is native to South America and can be recognized by its silver body with black tips on its dorsal fins. 

Due to their robust character and around 1.5-inch size, Silver Tip Tetras are a good choice for aquarists of all skill levels.

They like steady water conditions and well-planted aquariums, and they thrive in social environments. These tetras are flexible and easy to care for; in groups, they display their best colors.

14. Penguin Tetra


The curious freshwater species known as the Penguin Tetra (Thayeria boehlkei) is native to South America’s Rio Negro region. 

Well-known for having penguin-like black and white coloring, this tetra species gives aquariums a distinctive look. 

Reaching about 2 inches in length, penguin tetras have a calm nature and look their best in groups of three. They do best in school.

These tetras are tolerant of different water conditions and prefer ordered habitats with lots of swimming areas.

15. Red Eye Tetra


Originating in South America, the Red Eye Tetra (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae) is a beautiful freshwater fish. Its stunning look is attributed to its ruby eyes and silver body with black patterns. 

Red Eye Tetras, which are about 2 inches in size and have a calm personality, do well in community aquariums. They are best kept in groups, and they look their best when surrounded by individuals of their type. 

These tetras provide brightness to well-planted tanks and are adaptable to a variety of water conditions.

16. Glow-Tetra


Aquarium fish with modified genetic coloration are called GloFish. These bioengineered tetras, which were formerly zebrafish, are gorgeous aquarium additions that come in red, orange, green, blue, and purple colors. 

GloFish were created by utilizing the fluorescence genes found in jellyfish and corals, and they are just as hardy and require the same maintenance as their non-modified relatives. 

Their vibrant colors become more intense when illuminated by blue LEDs. GloFish, which includes Tetras and Danios, are gregarious and do well in groups.

They are appropriate for beginner and expert aquarists alike, but they need clean, properly conditioned tanks.

17. Buenos Aires Tetra


The bright freshwater fish known as the Buenos Aires Tetra (Hyphessobrycon anisitsi) is native to South America, specifically Argentina. 

This tetra species, which is easily recognized by its striking black triangle near its tail and silver body, gives tanks a vibrant touch. 

Buenos Aires Tetras are tough and about 2 inches in size, making them ideal for beginning and expert aquarists alike. They thrive in groups and favor lush greenery with lots of swimming rooms.

These tetras are ideal in color and may be kept in a variety of water conditions, including schools. They stay healthy and vibrant if they are fed premium flakes or small live items regularly.

18. Glass Bloodfin Tetra


Prionobrama filigera, also known as the Glass Bloodfin Tetra, is a unique freshwater species that is native to Bolivia’s Rio Mamoré. 

This tetra, which is well-known for having translucent fins, gives aquariums a special and delicate touch. Glass bloodfin Tetras are calm fish that grow well in group settings. 

Measuring around 2 inches in length, they show their best colors in teams. They are adaptable to a variety of water conditions and favor densely populated areas with dim light.

19. Red Phantom Tetra


Originating in the Orinoco and Meta rivers in Colombia, the Red Phantom Tetra (Hyphessobrycon sweglesi) is an interesting freshwater fish. 

This tetra species gives aquariums a lively touch because of its striking black patterns and rich red coloring. Red Phantom Tetras are calm creatures that do well in community aquariums. 

They are about 1.5 inches in size. They show their best colors in groups and are best kept with other individuals of the same kind. 

These tetras add to the vibrancy of well-planted tanks since they adapt to different water conditions.

20. Colombian Tetra


The beautiful freshwater species known as the Colombian Tetra (Hyphessobrycon colombianus) is native to Colombia and can be recognized by its silver body with a black lateral line. 

At two inches in height and with a calm attitude, these tetras make great additions to communal aquariums. Colombian tetras thrive in surroundings with lots of plants, and they favor setups with lots of swimming rooms. 

Easily adjusted to different water conditions, they display their best colors in groups. Their health is guaranteed by regular feeding with premium flakes or small live feeds, which makes them an attractive and adaptable option for aquarium enthusiasts, fit for both beginner and expert aquarists.

21. Emperor Tetra


The attractive freshwater species known as the Emperor Tetra (Nematobrycon palmeri) is native to Colombia. 

This tetra species, which is well-known for its gorgeous blue and red coloring, gives aquariums a royal feel. Emperor Tetras, which are about 2 inches in size and have a calm personality, do well in tanks that are kept clean and have steady water conditions.

These tetras are native to the Rio Atrato and San Juan river valleys, and the best environments for them to thrive socially are schools. 

Their ability to adjust to different water parameters makes them a valuable addition to community setups.

Tetra Fish Tank Setup

Tetras need to be stored in a tank with a minimum capacity of ten gallons. This size should, however, grow according to the number of species you wish to keep and whether you want to create a community aquarium.

The majority of tetras prefer a somewhat warm tank, between 75°F and 80.5°F.

It helps to maintain the water range within certain bounds to avoid illness. Lower temperatures cause your fish to be far less active and have slower metabolisms.

A pH of 6-7 and a water hardness of 12–15 dGH are needed for this fish. Since tetras are not picky, the substrate you use is totally up to you and will depend on your preference.

Last Words

It’s time to choose your favorite tetra species now that you are aware of the common varieties you can keep in your home aquarium!

Remember that many of the various species and variations on our list may live together. That implies you can select one or more of them.

Beginners are frequently advised to start with tetras due to their hardiness and ease of setup.All they require is a typical tropical tank setup with a minimum number of accessories.

Tetra fish are a great option for community tanks because of their peaceful nature.

My Aquarium Idea: Passionate experts delivering inspiration, education, and support for aquarium enthusiasts, promoting responsible fishkeeping and aquatic conservation.

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