A planted aquarium requires an aquatic environment that brings together the attractiveness of freshwater fish and the beauty of aquatic plants.
It’s important to take into consideration the fish’s behavior, capacity to live in planted ecosystems, and compatibility with different kinds of plants when choosing the best fish for your planted aquarium.
In this post, we’ll look at the top 11 freshwater fish for Planted Aquarium that make for thriving, peaceful ecosystems in planted aquariums.
Why choose the best freshwater fish for an aquarium?
Beyond style, choosing suitable fish for your planted aquarium is important. These fish are essential to keeping the ecosystem in balance.
They aid in regulating the growth of algae, oxygenating the substrate, and promoting a healthy and natural environment for the growth of plants.
Each type of fish on this page has been chosen with care based on its compatibility with aquatic plants, flexibility in different water environments, and capacity to live in peace with other kinds of fish.
These fish, which range from regal gouramis to vibrant tetras, active mollies to graceful swordtails, add color, movement, and vitality to your underwater garden.
We will also look at each fish type’s unique needs, such as recommended tank sizes, water parameters, and feeding times, in addition to their compatibility with plants.
This thorough guide intends to assist you in selecting fish for your planted aquarium. Therefore, let’s explore the amazing world of freshwater fish and learn about the top 11 choices for your planted aquarium.
1. Gouramis (Majestic and Colorful)
Aquarius frequently picks gouramis because of their strong looks and beautiful colors. These freshwater fish are indigenous to Southeast Asia and are members of the Osphronemidae family.

Gouramis are known for having a special organ called a labyrinth that allows them to breathe oxygen from the air and grow in waters with low oxygen levels.
The amazing variety of colors that gouramis possess is one of their most striking features. These fish make an exciting visual show in any planted aquarium, with their vibrant blues, blazing reds, shimmering golds, and dazzling greens among their many colors.
The dwarf gourami, pearl gourami, and blue gourami are a few well-known gourami varieties. During their pregnancy, gouramis are known to take part in interesting behaviors, including creating bubble nests.
The territorial males may perform complex nest-building procedures and blow bubbles as part of their wooing behavior.
When it comes to tank conditions, gouramis prefer water that is neutral to slightly acidic and between 75°F and 82°F (24°C and 28°C) in temperature. For a lot of species, it’s best to provide a tank size of at least 20 gallons because they need enough room to swim and explore.
2. Tetras (Vibrant soiling fish)
Tetras are colorful and attractive shoaling fish that have attracted aquarium hobbyists all over the world. Tetras are a well-liked choice for both inexperienced and professional aquarists because of their beautiful colors, active lifestyles, and calm personalities.

These tiny freshwater fish for planted Aquarium originate from South America and are members of the Characidae family.
Tetras’ amazing color is one of their most distinctive features. These fish show a broad range of colors that may provide a blast of vibrancy to any planted aquarium, from electric blues and blazing reds to dazzling yellows and shimmering greens.
Neon tetras, Cardinal tetras, and Ember tetras are a few common tetra species.
Tetras are shoaling fish, which means they prefer being with others to being by themselves. They behave more naturally when kept in groups of six or more, and the aquarium is given a spectacular display as a result.
Tetras prefer water that is slightly acidic to neutral and between 72°F and 78°F (22°C and 26°C) in temperature. They like an aquarium that is lushly grown and has lots of hiding places since it resembles their natural habitat and gives them a sense of security.
3. Corydoras Catfish (Bottom Dwellers)
The interesting Corydoras catfish, sometimes referred to as “cory cats” or “corys,” are bottom-dwelling fish that add color and usefulness to a planted aquarium. They are part of the Callichthyidae family and are indigenous to South America.

Corydoras catfish have gained popularity among aquarists due to their unique look, sociable nature, and useful cleaning abilities.
Excellent bottom feeders and hunters, corydoras catfish. By eating leftover food, decomposing plant waste, and settling tiny creatures that settle at the bottom, they serve a critical part in preserving the cleanliness of the aquarium.
Their feeding behavior ensures a healthier environment for fish and plants, as well as preventing the buildup of waste.
For these bottom-dwelling fish to live in safety, hiding spots like caves or vegetation are also important.
Corydoras catfish prefer water that is slightly acidic to neutral and between 72°F and 78°F (22°C and 26°C) in temperature. They value an aquarium that has greenery, open swimming areas, and a soft substrate for comfort.
4. Betta Fish (Vibrant Colors and Beautiful Fins)
Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are well-known for their eye-catching colors and fascinating fin displays. These graceful freshwater fish, which are native to Southeast Asia, have won the hearts of aquarium lovers all over the world.

Betta fish are a gripping addition to any planted aquarium thanks to their magnificent look and interesting behaviors.
Betta fish are known for their delicate fins in addition to their attractive colors. Particularly the males have long, flowing fins that are sometimes decorated with elaborate designs.
These magnificent fish create a stunning visual display that is symbolic of fine silk as they swim gently through the water.
Betta fish prefer water that is slightly acidic to neutral and between 76°F and 82°F (24°C and 28°C) in temperature.
To maintain their best health, they need an aquarium that is regularly cleaned and the water changed. To keep the water’s quality regular, the aquarium should also have a mild filter and a heater.
5. Swordtails (Graceful Swimmers)
Swordtails are a fascinating addition to any planted aquarium because of their beautiful swimming style and distinctive, long tails. These colorful freshwater fish are endemic to Central America and are members of the Poeciliidae family.

Swordtails have gained popularity among aquarists due to their eye-catching look, energetic personality, and ease of maintenance.
Swordtails have a variety of colors, from blazing reds and bright oranges to sparkling blues and vibrant greens. In any planted aquarium, their vivid colors supply a lively and eye-catching aspect, making them a focal point.
Swordtails are known for their friendly and active nature, and you often see them gracefully swimming around the tank. They are good for community tanks since they live peacefully with other gentle kinds of fish.
6. Rasboras (Active and Peaceful)
Rasboras are peaceful and lively freshwater fish for planted aquariums that provide life and peace to an aquarium with plants. These tiny, colorful fish are native to Southeast Asia and are members of the Cyprinidae family.

Rasboras have gained popularity among aquarium enthusiasts due to their attractive looks, engaging behavior, and ability to live happily with a variety of tankmates.
Rasboras are very active swimmers who are continuously observing their surroundings and playing with one another.
Their dynamic behavior gives the aquarium more vibrancy and makes for an eye-catching display for viewers.
They are best kept in groups of six or more because of the tendency for schooling; this enhances both their natural behavior and the tank’s look.
Rasboras require water that is neutral to slightly acidic and between 72°F and 80°F in temperature.
They value an aquarium with lush plants, large swimming areas, and soft lighting to reflect their native habitat. For these busy fish, introducing floating plants and offering lots of hiding places can help them feel secure.
7. Angelfish (Majestic Beauties)
One of the most gorgeous freshwater fish for planted aquariums is the angelfish because of its flexible motions and attractive beauty. The Amazon River region in South America is home to these amazing creatures, which are referred to by their scientific name, Pterophyllum.

Angelfish are a well-liked option among aquarists who want to make a visually attractive planted aquarium because of their exquisite fins and brilliant colors.
In addition to their remarkable looks, angelfish have remarkable behaviors. They are renowned for their intelligence and curiosity.
It can be mesmerizing to watch them gracefully move through the water, explore their surroundings, and interact with other fish in their aquarium.
Although they are usually gentle, angelfish can become aggressive when guarding their chosen territory or when breeding.
It’s important to give angelfish enough room to swim and explore while putting up a tank for them. They enjoy aquariums that are lushly planted, have places to hide, and have open swimming spaces.
8. Mollies (Lively and Versatile)
Mollies are a favorite among aquarium hobbyists due to their vibrant personalities and flexibility. These freshwater fish, also known as Poecilia in science, are indigenous to Central and South America.
Mollies are a pleasant addition to any planted aquarium thanks to their bright colors, active swimming, and ability to adapt to different water conditions.

The variety of colors and patterns among mollies is one of their most unique features. They are available in a variety of colors, including vibrant oranges, shocking blacks, and shining whites, and frequently have unique designs and combinations
Mollies value an aquarium with lush plants and lots of swimming areas. They flourish in a setting that includes both open spaces for swimming and lush vegetation for protection and cover.
A natural and comfortable habitat for them can be made by offering them lots of hiding places and floating plants.
9. Platies (Colorful and Hardy)
Platies are a popular choice for both new and experienced aquarium hobbyists due to their bright colors and hardiness. These native Central American freshwater fish are technically known as Xiphophorus maculates.
Platies are a beautiful and hardy choice for any planted aquarium because of their remarkable color variations and simplicity of care.

Because of their remarkable adaptability, Platies can survive in a wide range of aquatic environments.
They like water temperatures between 70°F and 82°F (21°C to 28°C) and can survive in a wide pH range, usually between 7.0 and 8.0. Due to their durability, they can be kept in a variety of tank setups, including those with fresh water and somewhat salty environments.
Platies are omnivores and eat voraciously. High-quality flakes, pellets, and tiny live or frozen feeds are readily accepted by them.
A well-rounded nutritional intake is ensured by including some vegetable matter in their diet, such as blanched spinach or spirulina-based flakes.
10. Guppies (Colorful and Active)
Guppies’ amazing variety of colors is one of their main attractions. They come in a variety of colors, such as blazing reds, electrifying blues, cheery yellows, and bright greens.
One of the aquarium hobby’s most eye-catching species, their bodies are frequently decorated with complex designs and vibrant tails.

Guppies are suitable for both beginner and expert aquarists because of their ease of maintenance. Although they can adapt to a variety of water conditions, they do best in waters that are between 72°F and 82°F and have a pH of 7.0 to 7.5.
Keeping an aquarium clean and performing routine water changes for them will improve their general health and well-being.
Guppies are omnivorous and have a huge appetite when it comes to food. They are open to consuming a wide range of feeds, including premium flakes, and pellets, as well as live or frozen options like brine prawns or daphnia.
Including occasional vegetable matter in their diet, like blanched spinach or flakes made of spirulina, helps them consume more nutrients and maintain their brilliant colors.
11. Dwarf Cichlids (Small and Stunning)
Dwarf cichlids are an attractive kind of fish that has grown in popularity among aquarium hobbyists due to their small size and gorgeous beauty. Dwarf cichlids provide appeal and beauty to any planted aquarium with their bright colors, intricate patterns, and unusual behavior.

Dwarf cichlids are known for their complex social dynamics and complex behaviors. They participate in intricate parental care, intriguing courtship rituals, and territory establishment.
They are an ongoing source of fascination for aquarists since watching them interact in the aquarium offers a fascinating look into their natural behaviors.
Dwarf cichlids require a well-planted aquarium with lots of hiding places and territories in order to flourish. The presence of caves, rocks, and driftwood, which resemble their native habitat, is appreciated by these fish.
Last Words
It’s thrilling to design a beautiful planted aquarium, and picking the correct kind of fish is important for maintaining a healthy ecology.
These 11 freshwater fish for planted aquariums—Gouramis, Tetras, Corydoras Catfish, Betta Fish, Swordtails, Rasboras, Angelfish, Mollies, Platies, Guppies, and Dwarf Cichlids—offer a wide range of colors, shapes, and behaviors that highlight the beauty of your aquatic landscape.
Can I keep these fish in a community tank with other fish?
Yes, most of the kinds of fish mentioned get along with other fish in the community. Before introducing them to a community tank, it’s important to understand their individual needs and personalities.
Do these fish require any special lighting for the plants in the aquarium?
While the majority of these fish do well with normal aquarium lighting, some plant species could need particular lighting setups. It’s a good idea to find out what kind of light your chosen plants need.
How often should I feed these fish in a planted aquarium?
Depending on the fish type, different feeding schedules are used. To preserve the general health and water quality of the aquarium, it’s important to offer a balanced diet and avoid overfeeding.
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